After the audition, I was a little bit disappointed and got home and start doing things in my so-call photographic-cum-DIY room. I have this habbit: when I face something bad, I just kept quiet and start to do things so I could forget about my bad feeling. To my surprise, I could finish those tasks that I didn't manage to complete on good mood days! LOL
This time, I made myself a smaller softbox ! I call it Softbox Mini ! LOL
First thing first, measurement ! How deep my soft box I need for a 12"x12" flash coverage? I donnu. But it's very easy to find out. What I need to do is stick an Ikea measuring tap onto the wall, and position my flash from the wall so that my flash spill is about 12" like this:
And the flash is about 1 feet (300 mm) away from the wall so to have a 12" flash coverage. If I do remember correctly, my flash was zoomed at 24mm.
So, I have my dimensions. For the material use, I didn't get the corrugated sheets for my Softbox Mini, but the Eva foam sheet that I found in Tesco.
Ok, let's see the result ! The below photo was taken with F42 + soft box mini on camera left:
To my surprise that this softbox mini is small enough to be secured on my F42 and the flash is mounted on my camera! And the result is as follow:
However, I do find the mahjong paper does not provide satisfied result. Hence, I'd gone to Kamdar and brought myself some length of white cotton cloth. I measured the dimension of my softbox mini, and paid a tailor a small amount of money to sew a velcro tap around it and walla, I got a better diffuser !
What I do with this Softbox Mini ? I camwhore !! LOL
I had a really a bad hair day, the barber didn't cut my hair that I wanted, and I have to live with it for about 3 weeks before my hair is long enough to do another cutting.
By the time I finished my Softbox Mini, a call from Sony confirmed my place in the Double Exposure competition. Yup, I'm one of the 30 participants in this contest, and I have to rushed back from Penang a day before the competition starts !
Am I happy about this being "selected" into the competition ? Hmm... well, I knew I wasn't good during the 2nd audition. So, I call myself as the "selected rejected" ones. LOL.
Anyway, since I'm in the competition, I should accerelate myself towards the winning line !
And I had signed a something like a MOU with Sony that I suppose not to Blog about this. Hence, no more post about Double Exposure. :p
Until then, wish me good luck on the competition ! Thank you thank you.
Lovely effort! I've got one of them foam sheets in black lying around from my "hearty bokeh" effort - so will try this one out!
Congrats on your double exposure second round! All the best...
Thanks ! :D
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