Of course not "that TFK" !! LOL
Wingz got a special permission from someone in MAS so to let us get into a secret place near to KLIA where we can take photographs of plane landing and taking off without been chased by the guards. Instead, we will be protected by guards. LOL
Since this is kinda once in a lifetime experience, why not ? Hence, early in the cooling morning of Saturday, I sacrificed my lovely sleeping hours and drive all the way to KLIA to shoot aeroplanes landing and taking off.
After about 1 hour of driving, we reached at a small hill top where it's indeed a very nice place for couple to do their "thing" here. I basically can see every corner of the airport, and the scenery is so nice ! But due to security precaution, not anyone can access to this place. Without a permit from MAS, we would be locked up for sure, since we showed out with our camera gears ! LOL
Anyway, I am not sure either is our air port is not busy one, or our air port is not a popular stopping point for airplanes, I got bored of waiting for planes to land. We were chatting more than taking photographs of aeroplanes landing. LOL. Hence, we shifted to another spot, where we can see planes taking off.
Anyway, without much idea what to do, and without any longer zoom lens, I tried the artistic approach then. I found the MAS hanger is just directly opposite where I stand. I figure out that would be a nice back ground for any plane that takes off. Hence, I compose that way lar.
Air Asia flying over MAS hanger !
This time I got it right ! LOL
I got bored....
then, when I saw this.....
Cool that he holds his cam-corder with the bread on his hand.
I like this pic, so got feeling inside, hence I add words in this photo.
Can't read chinese ? Too bad. LOL
It says :"Waiting..."
Got feel bo ?
They took very good care of us !
Basically follow us anywhere we go. :p
And the guards over the fence.
They must be freaked off to see about 20 photographers turned out with our super long zoom lenses pointing at each aeroplane that takes off ! LOL
Well, this indeed one kind of shiok sendiri kind of experience lar. LOL
Very power bro... cool experience i guess... there are alwayss a group of 'aircarft spotters' in KLIA. They got chased all the time hahaha
It's cool to see you being escorted! Cool photos also.
hey. may I know where is the exact place that u r went?? I really wanna see aeroplane take off. hope can reply ASAP. tq
Hi qiqi, here is the google map of the spot we went for the plane shooting:
Enjoy ! :D
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